13 August 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm Free
Join members of the curatorial collective for the Extracting Us online exhibition and conversation for a virtual launch event.
Through a collective curatorial approach, Extracting Us aims to challenge ‘north-south’ narratives on extractivism, enable the viewer to see and hear perspectives from those most affected, and develop actions of solidarity and resistance across countries and continents. The exhibition will challenge the viewer to make (sometimes unexpected) connections between the cases and themes explored, including how extractivism affects both people and the environment, humans and non-humans.
The launch event will include a virtual tour of the online space, then there will be plenty of time for participants to ask questions to members of the curatorial collective and contributing artists-activists-scholars (TBC). These will be facilitated through the chat function and in rounds.
We invite you to ‘bring your own’ refreshments in the spirit of launch events usually held in the gallery, and look forward to opening the conversation.
Note: the event is being held in the afternoon UK time to facilitate participation from contributors in other time zones, and apologies in advance for those we are not able to accommodate.
This event will be hosted on Zoom and the presentation will be recorded.
If you have any questions or would like to discuss your access needs please contact info@onca.org.uk or complete this form.
Book your place now: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/extracting-us-online-curators-tour-tickets-114676542626.
Facebook even: https://www.facebook.com/events/2702346810034249/?notif_t=plan_user_invited¬if_id=1596151811481808